Monday, April 20, 2009

Remembering: 10 years after Columbine

Bracing/embracing arms

by Julia Lovett

Algebra, Shakespeare, fruit flies in bio,
US Civ (Bill of Rights):
safety in schoolbooks,
pedagogical protection.

Educating the innocent,
but two bloodied the books—
a bibliographic battlefield,
students sought shelter in the stacks.

1 + 1 = evil arithmetic
2 calculate murder
violent geography mapping
a massacre.

Punnett squares can’t predict
unnatural selection.
Is homicide a recessive trait?

Packing backpacks with the
second amendment right to
bear arms—open crossfire
in classrooms.

With no use for their library
cards, they checked themselves out
indefinite due date in a celestial catalog.

“So wise so young, they say
do never live long.”*

* Shakespeare, Richard III (III, i, 79).

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